George Washington RECenter

Information card of Establishment "George Washington RECenter" at 8426 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA 22309. Here you will find information about the company, its address and phone number, work hours and customer testimonials.


Phone number:
+1 703-780-8894

8426 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria, VA 22309
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  • C. Mefford
    Feb, 25 2018
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
    Nice facility. Not elegant or fancy, but serviceable and clean. The staff are very friendly and helpfull. It's primarily a swimming facility, but a small number of treadmills are available. You can generally get a lane w/o having to share, but sometimes lanes are limited due to swimming classes and High School and Masters team practice.
    Bonus - the locker rooms have saunas! Costs 25 cents for a locker though. Fairly pricey ($74/mo) compared to commercial gyms, but you also have access to all Fairfax County's other 10 Rec centers, some of which have considerable additional features (weigh rooms, running tracks, yoga, et al).
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